My mother Lisa “Mona” Easley was the proud mother of 2 sons and 1 daughter. She was also a grandmother to 5 grandchildren who were the light of her life. She strived throughout her life with a smile on her face. She quickly gained the reputation of always taking care of others. She was truly a mother hen. There were times when she would come home from working 2 jobs and she welcomed 2 to 20 children in her small Philadelphia basement to play video games.
Not only was she like a second mother to many of the neighborhood kids, but she was a GAMER! Lisa would often recount the many times she would stay up late on Christmas Eve not only to wrap gifts but to beat the video games before she wrapped them! If you see a purple (purple was her favorite color) kart coming up behind you in Mario Kart, you better watch out! My mother said she started playing video games because she knew I would need help playing them.
Lisa also strived to pursue many different forms of high-level education while working 2 jobs, raising 3 kids, and helping to raise 5 grandchildren. Lisa “Mona” Easley was not only my support system but also my mentor, my hero, and a truly one-of-a-kind person.
At the tender age of 60 my mother, Lisa" Mona" Easley lost her battle to cancer in the summer of 2019.
The Game Truck, previously known as Lisa’s Rolling Video Games before we expanded, is my way of honoring my mother. It is centered around what she loved the most FAMILY. We dedicated our business to honoring her name. We do this in many ways, anywhere from our support for lower-income children to donating time and money to ending cancer. Lastly, we treat our customers like family because my mother would not have it any other way.
I will always love you, Mom!
Your son,
Sahib S. Easley
My Inspiration